Business Valuation Blog | Understanding Buying / Selling a Company

The Benefits of Using Nationwide Business Valuation Companies

Posted by Business Valuation Specialists LLC on Apr 12, 2021 8:00:00 AM

National Business Valuation Service


Savvy business owners and executives know that obtaining independent updated valuations of their company is a vital part of maintaining a sound, overall financial picture. When your organization has branches all over the country, how do you ensure you're getting the same quality of service and reliability at all these locations if you are using a local appraisal firm? One solution is to consider using a national business valuation service, which provides your company with professional appraisers who have valued businesses in every state and understand the broader marketplace your businesses operate in.

How are these types of valuation firms different than local single location valuation companies? Let's find out:

What are National Business Valuation Services?

If your company has multiple locations, and an updated independent business appraisal is needed, it makes sense to have consistency in the quality of the work as well as the methodologies used to measure value. This ensures the firm providing the valuation is familiar with your industry across all regions of the country and can provide the same level of service while following consistent guidelines and procedures for all of your operations.

A national business valuation firm will assign one project manager to handle the entire workload, so you only have to communicate with a single person throughout the process. Their job is to handle the day-to-day details of obtaining the documentation needed from your business as well as managing any other appraisers involved in the valuation effort. This beats the alternative of potentially having to work with multiple companies or individuals while taking a chance that a local appraiser might not be qualified to manage a much larger project.

The end result is a reliable, supportable valuation completed by certified, experienced appraisers with a consistent methodology that provides your company with the information needed to understand your current and future needs as you evolve into the next stages of your business plan.

Business Valuation Specialists LLC is a national business valuation firm that has been providing appraisal services across the country since 2003. Our highly-trained, qualified appraisers are Certified Valuation Analysts (CVAs) through the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts. We are available anytime to help answer questions you may have about getting a quality business appraisal performed on your company.

Topics: business appraisal services, business valuation services, nationwide, benefits, advanages