Business Valuation Blog | Understanding Buying / Selling a Company

Don’t Hesitate to Have Your Small Business Appraised

Posted by Business Valuation Specialists LLC on Jul 15, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Small business owner happy wth business appraisal

We speak with small business owners daily about their interest in obtaining a valuation, usually for a specific and immediate purpose. The reasons typically involve any of the following:

  • The owner is going through a divorce
  • A partner wants to buy out their shares, or a new investor wants to buy in
  • Refinancing or SBA Loan requirements to obtain working capital
  • A potential sale or acquisition of a small business
  • Estate Settlement/Transfer or Gift Tax
  • Setting up a Trust
  • Litigation Support
  • Internal Business Planning

The last one listed here is the most interesting because it tells me that a business owner is likely thinking proactively to better prepare themselves for future development plans, ideally in the company's longer-term growth planning stage.

Rather than waiting for something to happen that triggers a more urgent need for an updated small business valuation, it might make sense for owners to have professional appraisers conduct annual valuations of their business so that whatever happens down the road, they will be better prepared to face the challenge.

We often witness an owner's hesitation to move forward with an appraisal once we provide a scope of work summary and fee quote. This may be a matter of cost or unwillingness to commit to the work effort involved. Whatever the reason, it's important to think about the decision not only in terms of the immediate need but also with an eye on the additional benefits an appraisal can provide as you continue to be a successful small business owner.

Partnering with a third-party consultant such as a certified appraiser, tax planner or investment advisor, can give you additional perspective from an "outside-in" view that can help you along the way as the company continues to evolve. I think you'll find that the additional time and investment involved with this type of engagement will be minimal in comparison to the overall benefits of fully understanding the worth and potential of your small business.

Let us know if you would like to discuss these topics further by reaching out to us through our website. We would be happy to speak with you personally.

Topics: small business valuation, business owners