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A Business Owner's Guide to Selling a Business in 2019

Posted by Business Valuation Specialists LLC on Mar 8, 2019 8:00:00 AM


If you're considering selling a business in 2019, have you considered all the factors that come into play in maximizing your profit? If you've put years of equity and your own personal effort into building a company, isn't it worth putting a little more effort in this year to make sure you're getting everything it's worth? This guide will help you make the most of your business sale by showing you how to go about that process to ensure you're getting everything you can from your business.

A Business Owner's Guide to Selling a Business in 2019

  • Consider why you're selling. Are you selling because you're in a desperate situation with your company? If you are, it may not be the best time to sell to maximize your value. Consider alternatives such as bringing in fresh talent to turn the business around or provide additional support while you work through a health crisis or family issues. This may make it easier to keep your business and make it profitable again.
  • Start the sale process by getting your paperwork in order. Is your bookkeeping up to date and accurate? Are your assets accurately portrayed in terms of value in your books? Do you need to update other documentation, such as who is in charge of which portions of your business or your business processes in your manual? Make sure that this paperwork is up to date and ready for any potential buyers.
  • Deal with any obvious problem areas. If you have a large portion of bad debts, consider calling them in, writing them off or using an outside agency to collect on them. Do you have old equipment lying around that needs to go? Get it sold first. Only when you've dealt with these issues is it time to consider talking to a professional.
  • Have a business valuation performed to find hidden value potential. When you work with a business valuation specialist, they prepare a report that includes areas where your company is strong and where it is weak. Make sure you work with a certified valuation specialist to ensure the accuracy of the information.
  • Improve the areas recommended on the report. Once you've received the report and have clarified any areas where it may be inaccurate, start acting on the areas where your company is weak to improve them and solidify the areas where it is strong to retain the value they provide to your bottom line.
  • Get a secondary business valuation report prepared. Once the improvements are made, have a secondary report developed so that you can make sure you've maximized your company's potential value. It's only at this point that you should ask for recommendations for a reliable, reputable broker and interview the best to find the right fit. 

By taking the time to go through these steps, you can ensure that selling a business in 2019 is as painless a process as possible while maximizing your company's potential for profitability in the sale. Don't assume that simply listing your company for sale with no further preparation is in your best interests, but use the advice of a certified business valuation specialist to make improvements that will have a real impact on your final sale price.

Topics: Business Sale Valuation